Saturday, April 6, 2013

After applying to around 60+ jobs, I finally found a job in the civil service as an economist. I can say this is kind of unexpected and it feels real good because I'm able to find a job that leans towards my strength, personality and interest. The interview process was really tedious and rigorous which kind of affected my grades in a way. But I got to say that this is a good trade off given that my priority was to find a job. However, I've got to give myself a final push towards the finishing line since my remuneration is dependent on my honours which is potentially $3000/ year- a large sum if I were to stay in the civil service for many years coupled with the compounded effect.

Another thing that I am proud of is to finish a thesis with the same topic from my internship. It's something that I always wanted to do in an academic way, as opposed to the management consultancy way that I employed in my internship paper. Need to give myself a pat on my back given that my teammate freeloaded on me. Not that I care since this is the most effective way in learning things.

It's time to say good bye.When I revisit my blog next time, I hope to obtain my desired class of honours and enjoy my job at the same time.

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